The Turberville family’s original holdings date back to a 1727 Northern Neck land grant of over 4,000 acres. The cemetery is located on private property, behind the circa 1797 Turberville home “Leeton” in Chantilly, Virginia. Visitors to the cemetery should acquire permission from the owners in advance.
In 2011, the surveyor found seventeen granite markers of similar design and a few unmarked burials. The wrought iron fence surrounding the cemetery is rusty and in need of repair. Some of the markers are being uprooted by trees. There is one collapsed grave and evidence of gopher holes. The surveyor did not locate the CSA marker for Confederate soldier George R. Lee Turberville as recorded in an earlier survey. Burials in the cemetery trace this family’s history for over a hundred years.
Photos of Turberville/DeBell Family Cemetery
County Survey Record