In November 2009, surveyors located this family cemetery on a residential property in Fairfax Station. The 20-foot square cemetery is surrounded by a wire fence and is well maintained. There are six burials in the cemetery. Mary Alice and John H. Fairfax (farmer, laborer) are buried there with their two sons, Willie and Ollie. In the 1910 census, John and Mary are shown living in the Lee District of Fairfax County with their five children, of whom William and Oliver are the oldest. Both sons precede their parents in death. William (25) died in 1918, perhaps a victim of the influenza outbreak, during World War I.
Two other brothers are buried in the cemetery, Bobby Joe Lacy and Wm. H. Lacey. ( Note the difference in the spelling of William’s last name.) Bobby Joe’s and William’s markers list Marie and Tolbert Lacy as their parents. It is not known what relationship there was between the two families, Fairfax and Lacy. However, there is another family cemetery Fairfax/Davis in the county, where Harry Lacy is buried. In the 1930 census, Tolbert (40) and Marie (32) Lacy are shown living in Arlington, Virginia with their children, Gertrude (9), Anna May (7), William (4), Edward (1 and 3/12). Bobby Joe would be born December 1930, after the census was taken. Tolbert describes his occupation as laborer and building construction.