Members of Girl Scout Troop 1255 braved the heat in August of 2010 to clean up this neighborhood cemetery. Although the family names of those buried in the cemetery were unfamiliar to the scouts, the cemetery is known in the neighborhood as a favorite “haunt” on Halloween. The scouts raked, trimmed bushes and trees and bagged the debris. The next step was to clean the markers. Using distilled water, soft brushes and some “girl power,” the markers’ inscriptions became more legible. One scout noticed that two markers shared the same epitaph, but not the same last name. Tradition states that there were originally 20 buried here; only 8 headstones remain. A few of these markers are in danger of falling. While work was in progress, the County Archaeologist returned the marker for Little Ray Whaley, which had been found three miles away. The scouts were as puzzled as the surveyors as to who would have removed the marker in the first place.

Photos of clean-up project