FCCPA invites submissions of personal research about Fairfax County cemeteries and individuals buried within the county for possible publication in our Shared Work section. Use the articles in the Shared Work and other sections of this site as a guide to the type and quality of material desired.
To learn more or to make arrangements for submitting your research, please contact FCCPA via Contact Us
Submission guidelines
Submissions should be sent via email in the form of a concise, edited, ready for publication article of one to several paragraphs. Organize in block paragraphs without additional internal formatting such as bulleted and numbered lists, indentations, etc. Provide a list of sources used in your research. If quoting from or using parts of copyrighted or published materials, provide sufficient information to credit the source(s) in a footnote. If a source is available online, providing the URL (web address) will enable linking to its site. Do not embed images in the article; rather indicate where they should appear and submit them as separate files. Submit only images (photos, document files, etc.) that are your own property, are not copyrighted, or for which you can provide usage rights for publication on the FCCPA site.
Submissions chosen for publication on the FCCPA site will be formatted and edited as necessary in consultation with the contributor.