You can easily drive to this location – 9417 Windsor Way, Burke. There is presently a house that is lived in at the site. I met with the owner who was very friendly and gave me a tour of his 1780s house as well as the yard and potential site for the former cemetery. He assumes it was located in what is currently the backyard (was the front yard at one point) but the whole yard was landscaped years ago so there is not indications of a cemetery that I would see. There are several metal posts within the backyard that he assumes were the boundaries of the cemetery at one point. The area seems to be well maintained.
From the FC Property maps, the cemetery was located at the far corner of the back of the property – ownership of the property and cemetery are assumed to be with the current homeowner. There was a survey done by the Fairfax Genealogical Society, Brian Conley, in 1992: FGS Survey By piecing the various stones found on the property together, he was able to determine the following:
“In Memory of Martha Ann, twin daughter of Robt. N. and S. H. Windsor who died July 1824, aged 5 years. She in heaven rests…”
“Sacred to the memory of Richard S. Windsor who died March 30th 1850, aged 84 years & 15 days. Blessed are the…”
“Sacred to the memory… Elizabeth… wife of… Windsor”
Footstone: “E. W.”
Footstone: “S. H. W., 1848”
What is left of the stone pieces mentioned above can be found today “stored” in the garage under the stairs to the attic. I might be an interesting project to figure out a way to display these in some manner while still preserving them.
The current owner is receptive work working with us if this cemetery was determined to be a Scout / Community type of project – the display mentioned above would be one though as would the potential for signage about the Windsor family from the late 1700s.
FX137 – WINDSOR FAMILY CEMETERY (aka Mulberry Hill) GPS: 38.7649384, -77.269989